
Go on a nature walk and collect wild seeds

Hunting for and collecting plant seeds from the wild to sow and grow in your own garden is really fun.

A line of people walking down a path with shrubbery either side at RSPB Arne during winter.

Seeds you find in your local area will probably thrive in your garden, and you’ll increase habitat and food for wildlife too. Plus, it’s free.

By autumn, the most common seeds to find are tree seeds, such as acorns and hazelnuts, and flowering plants with stiff stems such as teasels. Oaks and Hazels will eventually grow into big trees, but they can be happy growing in a pot for many years. When they get too big, maybe you have a community scheme nearby that will plant it out for you?

It’s important to collect seeds from public places (so you’re not pinching someone’s seeds!) and only when you are sure what the plant is and that it isn’t invasive. Only collect a few seeds - you won't need many. Plus, don't take from sites protected for wildlife.


How to find wild seeds

Start by finding a parent tree in a public park, hedgerow or woodland alongside a public footpath, and then look either on low hanging branches or on the ground beneath. Can you find any of these?

A lone Jay perched on a moss covered log with an acorn in it's mouth.

A familiar lozenge-shaped seed about the size of a marble, with a little knobbly cap on one end. Acorns are usually bright green or brown.

Acorns come from oak trees, which have pretty, round-lobed leaves. They’re very common in the UK, and are often found in fields, hedgerows and parks.

Jays create secret stores of acorns for the winter!

Dormouse peeking out from behind a lichen covered tree stump.

Round seeds, with a soft pointed end. Hazelnuts are about the size of a marble, and have a soft, leafy crown.

Hazel trees are very common in mixed woodland. They have lots of thin, straight stems with pale bark. The leaves are round with a pointy tip, and little serrations around the leaf. The leaves are soft and furry, so give them a stroke!

Dormice love to snooze in Hazel trees.

Field Maple seeds

Characteristic helicopter seeds. Field maple seeds come with two seeds stuck together, with a large, flat wing on either side. They’re pale green, tinged with pink or brown.

Field Maple is a common hedgerow tree in the UK. It has dark green, small leaves, with five rounded lobes and rounded teeth.

Field Maple can often be confused with Sycamore, which is not suitable for collecting and planting.

See below for a comparison of the two – Sycamore with its much larger leaf and seed on the left and Field Maple with its relatively tiny leaf and seed on the right:

A lone Goldfinch perched on the seedhead of a dried teasel, pulling the fluffy seeds out with their beak.
Teasel seeds

Head to wilder areas along hedges or open areas in fields and woodland to find teasel plants.

Teasels will be brown and crispy, with their 6-foot high flower stems looking like prickly hedgehogs.

Pop your paper bag over the seed head, turn it upside down and give it a good shake to dislodge the seeds into your bag.

Beware the stems are quite spiky so you may need to wear a glove!

Get in the seed-sharing spirit

Do you know your neighbours or people in your local community? Why not ask if you can collect some seeds from their gardens, or even set up a local seed swap.

Partnering with

The RSPB is a member of BirdLife International.More