
Shake a tree

It's raining bugs. Tree-beating is a great way to discover an incredible world of minibeasts otherwise hidden in the branches above.

Silhouette of three children playing under a tree at sunset.

This Experiencing Nature activity can be completed as part of Families Wild Challenge.

Estimated time: Under an hour Season: All year Skill level: Not too tricky


Find a tree or bush with some low hanging branches and lay your sheet underneath

You can put it on the ground or have some helpers holding it up at the edge so minibeasts collect in the middle where it is lower.

Shake the branch or carefully hit it with a stick once

There’s no need to keep hitting or shaking as you’ll get everything you’re going to with the first surprise hit or shake. After that, anything left will cling on tightly. Be gentle – you don't want to damage the tree or injure the minibeasts.

Partnering with

The RSPB is a member of BirdLife International.More