The RSPB Group
In common with many charities, we have a number of subsidiary companies. This enables us to carry out activities which are distinct from our operation as a charity, such as the running of RSPB shops.

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We have a number of subsidiaries where there is a need for a separate management board with particular expertise in carrying out part of the charity’s aims. This provides a summary of our main subsidiaries.
RSPB Sales Limited
All RSPB shops, including our the RSPB online shop, are managed by our subsidiary, RSPB Sales Limited. This is wholly owned by the RSPB, with all profits going to our work to save nature. The principal activities of RSPB Sales Ltd are the sale of goods by mail order and through retail outlets, consulting and advice, farming, publications, trade and catering, lottery, and commercial and direct fundraising.
Fair to Nature
We run Fair to Nature, the UK’s only certification scheme with a focus on biodiversity and a proven approach to restoring the balance of nature in farming. Brands certified Fair to Nature are committed to sourcing their ingredients from farms that meet a rigorous set of criteria, including managing 10% of their land for nature, by providing good-quality wildlife habitat. Our Fair to Nature partners include the Nature Friendly Farming Network.
March Farmers (Washland) Limited
Acquired by the RSPB in 2008, this is a private company that holds the lease to land next to an RSPB nature reserve in the Nene Washes in Cambridgeshire. Through the March Farmers Habitat Restoration project, the former arable land is being restored to floodplain grazing marsh.
RSPB Nature Regen Limited
Formed in April 2023, RSPB Nature Regen Ltd seeks to develop and promote nature-based solutions, and the delivery of eco-system services, such as carbon credits and biodiversity net gain units. Through collaboration with other RSPB departments, external partners, landowners, funders, and businesses, it looks for innovative financing solutions to enable the protection of nature at pace.
RSPB Oronsay Limited
This is a Scottish Limited Partnership (a legal entity particular to Scotland) in which the RSPB is the General Partner. The Partnership was established to carry out farming and nature conservation on Oronsay in the Inner Hebrides. The whole of the island of is designated a Site of Special Scientific Interest and Special Protection Area for its Chough and Corncrake populations. The island is actively farmed with a mixed farming regime with cattle and sheep, late cut grass and arable crops grown for Corncrake conservation.
RSPB Cayman Islands Nature Limited
This is a not-for-profit limited liability company incorporated in the Cayman Islands. It was set up to acquire land to create or extend nature reserves in the Cayman Islands. The first purchase of land, adjacent to a nature reserve managed by National Trust for the Cayman Islands, was completed in September 2019.
Organisations formally connected with the RSPB
RSPB also participates in the governance and management of other connected not-for-profit organisations.
Gola Rainforest Conservation LG
This is a non-profit company limited by guarantee set up in Sierra Leone, owned and run jointly by the RSPB, the Conservation Society of Sierra Leone and the National Protected Area Authority to manage the REDD+ project that contributes to funding the protection of the Gola Rainforest National Park. The REDD+ project uses the sale of carbon credits to generate income for conservation and is the first of its kind in West Africa. Gola Rainforest Conservation seeks to protect biodiversity, provide mitigation against climate change, enable community development and ensure sustainable livelihoods.
International Eco Fund
This is an independent registered charity (a trust) created in 2006, to which the RSPB appoints a trustee and provides financial management and administrative support. It was established to help fund ongoing costs of the Harapan and (subsequently) Gola rainforest projects. Endowments from the RSPB and Conservation International’s Global Conservation Fund make up the trust’s original funds.