
Baron's Haugh is a thriving community nature reserve in Motherwell and is a real gem for wildlife. Spend time in one of our wetland hides spotting ducks and swans, or wander through the woods looking for woodpeckers and Nuthatches. If you’re lucky you may even see a Kingfisher or an Otter on the river.

The reserve's different wetland habitats offer homes for an abundance of birds, amphibians and insects. We encourage the water level to fluctuate to create a dynamic, semi-natural environment.

Grazing the grasslands creates a varied vegetation habitat to enhance biodiversity. Cattle munch the grass and create tussocks and divets: all important elements for a range of species. Baron's Haugh also has extensive woodland, where you can hear Tawny Owls hoot and spy Nuthatches feeding upside down.

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This is a great location to spot Kingfishers

The vibrant azure and copper feathers of the Kingfisher make them one of the UK’s most colourful and instantly recognisable birds. But blink and you’ll miss them – they dart along rivers and streams at high speeds. RSPB nature reserves and our care-taking teams provide safe wetland havens for these special birds and their fishy prey.

Read more about how we are working protect these birds and defend their habitats:

Contact Baron's Haugh