
⚠ On the 19-21st, 27th 28th February - Emergency works are being undertaken to remove dangerous Ash trees, which could pose a risk to the public. Please avoid travelling to the reserve on these dates, as access will be restricted and you will be unable to enjoy the reserve as normal.

If you do chose to visit, please observe all safety signage and obey instructions from the arborist team to ensure your safety. It will not be possible to walk the full length of the reserve on these dates ⚠ 

Looking for woodland walks near Swansea? Head to Cwm Clydach, a haven for wild birds on the edge of the city where rivers and streams rush down the hillsides. Our blend of habitats attracts an array of wildlife – Pied Flycatchers and Wood Warblers hide out in the trees, Redstarts and Dippers dart about near the stream and Buzzards soar overhead. The reserve follows the river Clydach as it wends its way up the valley, and the sound of streams provides a soothing backdrop for your strolls.

We carefully manage Cwm Clydach nature reserve with wildlife in mind. The reserve is prone to erosion from the fast-flowing river and land slippage due to the steep banks, making the woodland a dynamic and ever-changing space.

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Pushchair Accessible
Wheelchair Accessible
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This is a great location to spot Red Kites

Red Kites are now a familiar sight, soaring high in the sky. They’re one of the UK’s best success stories, with the RSPB playing its part in their recovery. In just a few decades, they’ve gone from being on the brink of extinction to much higher numbers – there are now around 6,000 pairs of Red Kites in the UK. Their spectacular recovery shows that with clear and targeted action, we can help struggling species. However, there’s still work to be done. Despite their success, they are still victims of illegal persecution, so like with Golden Eagles, much of our work on Red Kites focuses on this. 

Read more about how we are working protect these birds and defend their habitats:

Contact Cwm Clydach