Ouse Fen
EarithOpenSee opening timesOuse Fen is transforming from a working quarry into a vibrant nature reserve. Crunch along new trails where wildlife is already moving in.
Where the River Great Ouse spills into the Cambridgeshire Fens, a reedbed is coming to life. We are working with Hanson to transform a working sand and gravel quarry into Ouse Fen nature reserve.
The reserve is being created in reedbed blocks, with pools of open water linked by ditches and channels, allowing wildlife to move freely. Once complete, the whole wetland will stretch 700 hectares and include the largest reedbed in the UK, spanning 460 hectares.
So far, Ouse Fen has already attracted a wealth of wildlife: species that were once common in the Fens are returning here to feed and breed. Swaying reedbeds are home to Marsh Harriers, Bearded Tits, Otters and the secretive Bittern. A visit at dawn or dusk may reveal a Barn Owl hunting over the grassland and scrubby margins. Ducks, grebes, swans and wading birds gather on the floodplain wetlands from autumn through to the spring.
Watch the amazing courtship ritual of Great Crested Grebes on the open water in spring, while summer is the best time to spot Reed Buntings at their best. Marsh Harriers and Little Egrets are a regular sight here, and Bearded Tits can often be seen balancing on the top of the reeds.
Circular walks
Download these 4 circular walks to and from the reserve:
At a glance
Opening hours for car parking are restricted by locked gates at the entrance. 40 spaces. 6 Blue Badge spaces. There are parking facilities for 1 coach by arrangement. A height barrier is in place (2.1m). No lighting. Five bike racks.
We don’t have any toilets here. The nearest public toilets are located at St Ives bus station 6 miles/10 km.
We don’t have any baby changing facilities here. The nearest public toilets with baby changing facilities are located at St Ives bus station 6 miles/10 km.
Adjacent the entrance there is a large mobility kissing gate leading to a short 200m accessible viewpoint. Level grassy paths and gentle gradients, but may be soft and uneven ground in wet weather.
Adjacent the entrance there is a large mobility kissing gate leading to a short 200m accessible viewpoint. Level grassy paths and gentle gradients, but may be soft and uneven ground in wet weather. 2 accessible picnic tables at the start of the Lockspits Mere trail.
We don’t have any toilets here. The nearest public toilets are located at St Ives bus station 6 miles/10 km.
BBQs are a fire risk, endangering other people and the precious wildlife and habitats here. They are not permitted here at any time.
Please keep your dog on a lead and under close, effective control at all times, due to the sensitive wildlife, habitats and livestock here.
Disturbing wildlife does more than simply causing it to move away; it uses up their energy, decreasing their chance of survival regardless of season.
Please clean up after your dog. Dog walkers are invited to use our dedicated off-lead dog walking area.
Assistance dogs are welcome in all parts of the reserve.
Contact Ouse Fen
ousefen@rspb.org.uk Ouse Fen Reserve, Shelford's Road, Earith, Cambridgeshire, PE28 3PS 01954 233260