
The last day of the West Light Seabird Centre opening is Saturday, 31 August.

  Last entry to Rathlin Island is one hour before closing  

Rathlin Island is internationally important for breeding seabirds and is home to Northern Ireland's largest seabird colony. On the west coast of the island, the cliff faces open to the Atlantic Ocean, providing the ideal place for Puffins, Guillemots, Kittiwakes, Razorbills and Fulmars. Head to the Seabird Centre from late April to early August for close-up views of the Puffins and other seabirds as they gather in their thousands to rear their chicks. Or check out the unique ‘upside-down’ lighthouse that watches over the choppy seas.

As well as rugged cliffs, other parts of the reserve are made up of unimproved grassland and several lakes. There are off-road walking trails at Roonivoolin and Craigmacagan on the opposite end of the island. On these trails, you may be lucky enough to encounter a variety of other wildlife including Buzzards, Ravens, Snipe, Skylarks and Irish Hare. Additionally, there is important insects, flora and fauna.

Over the past 40 years, changes to farming practices have resulted in dramatic declines of the Corncrake. This species is globally threatened, and we have been working to create the ideal habitats for Corncrakes at our reserve areas at Church Bay and Craigmacagan. Our efforts are starting to pay off and the birds are now regularly returning to Rathlin Island to breed, after a 20-year absence. By walking the public roads of Church Bay, you may be lucky and hear the call of the Corncrake between mid-April to early July.

Download our trail map, to help you plan your visit.

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