75% of the UK’s rare red squirrels are found in Scotland
13% of the world’s endangered blanket bog is in Scotland
11% of Scotland’s species are classified as threatened with extinction from Great Britain
Scotland's wildlife faces a crisis. Help protect rare species and habitats today.
75% of the UK’s rare red squirrels are found in Scotland
13% of the world’s endangered blanket bog is in Scotland
11% of Scotland’s species are classified as threatened with extinction from Great Britain
Scotland is home to some of the UK’s rarest birds such as Golden Eagles, Corncrakes, Capercaillie, and Dotterels.
It is also home to some of the most majestic wildlife in the world, internationally important colonies of breeding seabirds, 75% of the UK’s Red Squirrels and is the only place you can find the elusive Scottish Wildcat.
In Scotland you will find the last remaining fragments of Caledonian pinewoods, vast stretches of native rainforests, the largest blanket bogs in Europe, rugged mountain habitats and over half the UK’s coastline, fringed with rich marine habitat.
Scotland’s nature is under threat.
The 2023 State of Nature Report revealed a 15% decline in average species abundance across closely monitored wildlife since 1994. In the last decade alone, 43% (172) of the species showed strong or moderate declines, and 11% of Scotland’s species are now classified as threatened with extinction from Great Britain.
With your help RSPB Scotland has already restored seven square miles of blanket bog in the Flow Country, led a successful campaign to save the internationally protected Coul Links from damaging development and doubled the number of Corn Buntings in East Scotland since 2001.
But there is so much more to do. Can you help us protect Scotland’s wildlife for generations to come?
RSPB Scotland’s Patrons enjoy unique insights into our work and a calendar of events with like-minded people.
Not only will your valuable support provide a crucial lifeline for Scotland’s wildlife, you will be rewarded with behind-the-scenes access through guided reserve tours and a personal service from our team.
To find out more about going the extra step for nature, get in touch with rhona.maxwell@rspb.org.uk
Can you make a donation to protect Scotland's nature?