
Global policy

Biodiversity loss and climate change are the two greatest threats to nature and people. Our policy and advocacy work takes a global approach to solving them. Here’s how.

Bird's eye view of luscious rainforest canopy, stopping sharply as the ground becomes barren, smoking and tire-marked to make way for palm oil and rubber plantations.

Saving special places and species beyond the UK

The RSPB works with partners from around the world to help save and restore special species and their places from threats. This work takes us to all kinds of places, across our neighbours in Europe and beyond.

Protecting birds across the world

Many birds make epic migratory journeys across land and sea. To protect them we’re encouraging international cooperation along their flyways. This includes a particular focus on conserving networks of coastal wetlands for migratory waterbirds which are especially threatened.

Efforts in UK Overseas Territories

A quarter of the world’s penguins. A third of the world’s albatross. Ninety-four percent of unique British wildlife. The fifth largest marine estate on the planet. Every major habitat type on earth. All of this and more is to be found on the UK’s 14 Overseas Territories. These precious environmental assets are relied on by local communities who are on the frontline of the extinction and climate crises.