
Local planning pack England

We've split useful planning information into key areas to help guide you through the maze of the planning system.

Two people stood on Arne beach looking out over the sea, with a tree behind them.
On this page

Useful planning information for England

We’ve produced a series of leaflets to help you make the most of your voice and influence local decisions.  

Our downloadable documents will give you the information you need to protect local wildlife.  

What to do before a case

Use your local knowledge to influence development at an early stage. 

A good understanding of the planning system and how to respond to planning applications can make a big difference. You could prevent a harmful development or help make a proposal more wildlife-friendly. 

What to do now

When it comes to live planning applications, you’ll need to be objective. Is there is a genuine case? Try to focus your efforts on the strongest elements of your campaign.  

Find out the key questions you need to ask so you can build a case for protecting wildlife through the planning system. 

How to gain local support

The more people who know what you are trying to achieve, the more support you’re likely to get. Find out how to get the attention of local media and politicians, below. 

Your local council has an important role in looking after your local environment.

Lobbying Your Local Council

Your local council has an important role in looking after your local environment.

Download PDF, 160Kb.

Getting Your Message Across With Local Media

Local media can be a great way to get attention for your cause. Here’s how to get the word out.

Download PDF, 157Kb. 

The Planning System

Understanding the planning system can help you protect local wildlife habitats. Read on to find out more.

Download PDF, 537Kb.

Addressing Climate Change Through Planning

Find out how you can influence your council and help make your area more sustainable for the future.

Download PDF, 179Kb. 

Neighbourhood Planning

Learn more about neighbourhood planning and how it could be used to protect wildlife in your area.

Download PDF, 375Kb.