How to identify

This lowland farmland bird is the largest of the buntings and is usually seen perched on a wire or post. It is a stout, brown bird which dangles its legs during its fluttering flight. Its dramatic population decline in the UK makes it a Red List species.


Corn Bunting

Stuart Fisher / xeno-canto

One of the breeding farmland birds that have increased at RSPB Hope Farm.
Corn Bunting
New land secured for a transformative expansion at RSPB Wallasea Island

The extension will see vital habitat creation for threatened birds, like Corn Buntings and Lapwings.


  1. Resident
  2. Passage
  3. Summer
  4. Winter
* This map is intended as a guide. It shows general distribution rather than detailed, localised populations.
  1. Jan
  2. Feb
  3. Mar
  4. Apr
  5. May
  6. Jun
  7. Jul
  8. Aug
  9. Sep
  10. Oct
  11. Nov
  12. Dec

Key facts