
Located on the Isle of Coll, this reserve is a place of wild and rugged beauty, among the best walks in Argyll and Bute. Enjoy the peace and tranquility its remoteness offers, as you stroll along the shell-white beach.

A mix of farmland, wetland, sandy beach, dunes and moorland, bog and machair (Gaelic for low-level grassy plains), this Hebrides nature reserve is essential habitat for an abundance of wildlife. Wading birds display on our wetlands in spring, Corncrakes hide out in the rough grasses and pollinators buzz around the wildflowers in summer, passage birds pay us a visit in autumn on their way to warmer climes, and geese gather on our fields in winter.

The shallow sandy shore is a great place to see terns feeding on Sand Eels and in the winter you may come across an otter hunting for flatfish.

We’re working hard to create the ideal conditions for wildlife to thrive. Supporting our Corncrake population is a key part of our efforts, adapting farming methods in partnership with local farmers has helped us quadruple our Corncrake numbers. It has benefits for other birds too, including Skylark, Twite and Reed Bunting. We use grazing to maintain feeding areas and undisturbed roost sites for the geese that overwinter on our fields.

We use low-intensity grazing with cattle and sheep to look after our sand dunes, helping to protect important species like Sand Lizards, Belted Beauty Moth and the extremely rare Short-necked Oil Beetle.

As this nature reserve is active farmland it is likely you will encounter livestock during your visit.

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