Linnet conservation - Advice for farmers
Linnets are found wherever there is a plentiful supply of seeds throughout the year. They also need thick hedgerow and scrub for nesting.

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Linnets in brief
Linnets are found on farmland wherever there is a plentiful supply of seeds throughout the year. The UK population of linnets declined by 72% since 1967. This is largely the result of loss of seed sources on farmland.
Key points
- Boost seed food by providing uncut areas on grasslands, a wide mix of crops, stubbles or seed-rich wild bird cover crops.
- Provide cover in hedges or by retaining areas of scrub, gorse or bramble.
What this species needs
Lots of seeds throughout the year
Linnets eat small seeds throughout the year. They seek places where they can find lots of seed food. Such areas include winter stubbles, root crops and break crops. Oil-seed rape and associated broad- leaved weeds provide ideal food for chicks in the spring.
Thick hedgerows and scrub for nesting
Thick, thorny hedgerow cover will benefit Linnets. They also nest in scrub and bramble areas on grassland and waste ground.

How to help
On arable land
- A diversity of habitats is important for birds. A wide mix of crops gives the greatest diversity. Different crops provide different feeding opportunities throughout the year. Avoid planting large blocks with a single crop type.
- Spray and cultivate stubbles as late as possible. This provides important winter feeding habitat.
- You can provide seed food through the winter by creating wild bird seed mixes. Quinoa and brassicas are particularly useful components.
On grassland
- Provide a seed-rich habitat in pastoral areas by introducing arable fodder crops or creating small plots of wild bird cover. Maize is probably not of value to linnets unless it is undersown with a seed-bearing crop such as linseed.
- Fence off margins of up to 6m around improved grassland and leave these unfertilised, uncut and ungrazed. Graze or cut in September either annually or every two to three years.
Hedgerow and field margin management
- Leave verges and waste ground uncut and unsprayed through the summer to provide seed food.
- Retain areas of scrub, bramble and gorse as both nesting cover and a food source.
- Cut ditch-side and field margin vegetation in autumn/winter on a two to three-year rotation.
- Plant up gaps in hedgerows with native, thorny species which will provide nesting cover.
- Maintain short, thick hedges to provide the optimal nesting habitat.