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The Modern Slavery Act (2015) is aimed at combatting crimes of slavery and human trafficking.
The RSPB considers as a matter of policy that modern slavery is a human rights abuse which undermines human dignity, and is inconsistent with the RSPB’s identity as an ethical organisation.
In pursuing our work to preserve the natural world, it would never be acceptable to contribute to or turn a blind eye to the problem of modern slavery.
All those working for or on behalf of the RSPB must:
The RSPB’s Ethical Procurement Policy sets out labour standards expected of suppliers, including that there is no forced, bonded or involuntary prison labour.
The RSPB’s standard terms and conditions require suppliers and recipients of funding to undertake that they comply with the Modern Slavery Act (2015).
The RSPB’s standard contracts include anti-slavery compliance provisions where relevant. The RSPB has adopted policies that indirectly support and underpin the combating of slavery within our supply chains.
The approach we take to the right to be safe aligns with the UN Global Compact and the RSPB Ethical Principles: